2015 February 8
The aim of the CW Activity Day is for participants to contact as many amateurs as possible on the 20, 40 and 80m amateur bands.
More info can be found by downloading the 2015 contest manual at at
Bloemendal directions: paste the following coordinates into your browser and then click on "maps" 26°35'34"S 28°8'24"E
We are in the process of arranging a visit/tour at the Bloemendal (now Meyerton) transmission station on January the 17th
(Saturday), with the help of Jaap ZS6SAI. Any interested members can contact the webmaster so that he can relay the numbers, cut-off date Dec 12. Some have also expressed interest in visiting the Meyerton station in the morning and then Hartrao in the afternoon - not sure whether we should rather split it (Meyerton in Jan and Hartrao in Feb), but perhaps those interested in joining could comment whether they'd like to do both in one day or not. We can also look at renting a micro bus for transport.
Details of the Meyerton station is below, and a schedule of all their transmissions at this link
Meyerton Short Wave Broadcasting Relay station, operated by SENTECH in South Africa. Transmitter Power: 25kW, 100kW, 250kW, 500 kW. Used to transmit international programs for all of Africa by Channel Africa (from Johannesburg), BBC World Service, Radio France International, Voice of America, Deutsche Welle (Germany), Adventist World Radio, IBRA Radio (Sweden), NHK Radio Japan, and others. Also the domestic Afrikaans service Radio Sonder Grense is transmitted on shortwave frequencies from here. Bloemendal coordinates: 26°35'34"S 28°8'24"E
Contact the webmaster to book your spot This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
John Fielding, ZS5JF, has kindly offered to address the club members and XYL’s after the AWA AGM on 1 November. John’s talk, entitled "The Indlebe Enkulu Small Radio Telescope", is about a small radio telescope (SRT) at his QTH, which forms part of a Durban University of Technology research program which uses the Hydrogen Line spectrum at 21cm. John is also co-editor of the RSGB Handbook, and the RSGB has published a number of his books. The talk, in the form of a PowerPoint presentation, will start around 16H30 for 17H00 at the West Rand Clubhouse, and will run for about 1 hour with time for questions at the end.
Kempton amateur club are having another fleamarket and have invited the AWA to display once again on this day.
We will also be using their facilities to have our AGM at the same time.
Bring your extra goodies along and any display items you may have to the Impala Voortrekker centre. Visit the KARTS website for directions:
AWA Valve QSO Party AM and SSB:
This is a phone contest held over 2 sessions on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 October 2014.
On Saturday afternoon 11 September, 15:00 to 19:00 SAST the AM section will be held with contacts on both the 40m and 80m bands for points.
On Sunday 12 September from 15:00 to 19:00 SAST the SSB section will be held with contacts on both the 40m and 80m bands for points.
Frequencies: 40 metres: 7,053 to 7,100 MHz and 80 metres: 3,603 to 3650 MHz
Exchange: Call sign, RS and consecutive serial numbers starting at 001, plus type of radio used, eg HT37 Tx.
Points scoring: All valve radio - 3 points per contact; Hybrid (valve & solid state) - 2 points per contact; Solid state - 1 point per contact.
The aim of the AWA Valve QSO party is to create activity on the 40 and 80 metre bands. It is a phone only contest. Preferably, valve radios, or radios with valves in them may be used. No Linear Amplifiers may be used.
The event takes place from 15h00 to 19h00 CAT on both Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 October 2014.
More info available on page 36 of the SARL 2014 Contest Manual -
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