AWA Valve QSO Party AM and SSB:
This is a phone contest held over 2 sessions on Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 October 2014.
On Saturday afternoon 11 September, 15:00 to 19:00 SAST the AM section will be held with contacts on both the 40m and 80m bands for points.
On Sunday 12 September from 15:00 to 19:00 SAST the SSB section will be held with contacts on both the 40m and 80m bands for points.
Frequencies: 40 metres: 7,053 to 7,100 MHz and 80 metres: 3,603 to 3650 MHz
Exchange: Call sign, RS and consecutive serial numbers starting at 001, plus type of radio used, eg HT37 Tx.
Points scoring: All valve radio - 3 points per contact; Hybrid (valve & solid state) - 2 points per contact; Solid state - 1 point per contact.

The aim of the AWA Valve QSO party is to create activity on the 40 and 80 metre bands. It is a phone only contest. Preferably, valve radios, or radios with valves in them may be used. No Linear Amplifiers may be used.
The event takes place from 15h00 to 19h00 CAT on both Saturday 11 and Sunday 12 October 2014.
More info available on page 36 of the SARL 2014 Contest Manual -