Good day to all. First i want to thank the team for acept me as a member. As years go buy I started with a Kenwood TS 520s and a V antenna. 1999. I upgrade to a Icom Pro II. but then I upgrade again, back to vintage. The website and page are the best i ever workrd on. All the usefull info and articles, it is better than google hehehehe.
Best 73s ZS4Z . 7P8SV

Lived in The Netherlands for 3 years (1966-1969) while with the US Air Force in NATO. Worked doing repair on Microwave Relay sites in Germany, Belgium and The Netherlands. Later, became interested in Afrikaans and made a couple of trips to South Africa.
For my 70th birthday I studied in spare time for a couple of weeks and passed all 3 elements to obtain Extra Class license AC9OX. (Still remembered most everything from USAF Tech school.)
Have all ICOM gear: IC 7700, IC 7300 and IC 705.
I live near Indianapolis, Indiana.
Very much enjoyed your site and the work that you do. Am a big fan of the US AWA, as well. Thank you for generosity with downloads.

Hello. Thank you for the information on your website regarding the Barlow Wadley XCR-30 II. Having just acquired a working example, I am very impressed with how sensitive it is.
My links with Southern Africa go back to the early 1980’s when I was based in Windhoek and flew light twins for the national airline. A flight to Capetown was a panacea for my parched soul. My only link to the outside world was a Yaesu Musen FRG-7, and I have remained an avid SW listener since.
Grant D in NZ.

Happy to find this site as I am now using an FT-101E and want to tune it simply and accurately. Novice in 1955, off the air as a Tech grade for many years, General license now with my same call letters, W8ISK, Columbus, Ohio, U.S.A. I will slowly read all the posted Newsletters! Lot’s to remember and learn, re-learn. Tnx for reading. 73, Ray

I am glad that there is an organisation in South Africa for the preservation of antique wireless. I became a radio ham at the age of 16 in 1977 and my most active year was my year of CW 1978-79, after that my activity went down hill but I was active in the radio field and spent nearly 20 years on the repair bench. This year I turned 61 and realised that soon I will have enough time for the hobbie. I had to reapply for my ham licence and my new fresh call sign is ZS4ZS. A lot have changed since I was last active and "digital" is the new buzz word...not my thing, my dad was a radio repairman in the late 1940's to 60's and I got my valve knowledge and love for the warm glowing things from him, my late father in law was ZS4KK and I inherited a hallicrafters s40b and Johnson Viking Ramger from him. The late ZS4VDM gave me a Trio 9R-59DS valve receiver that had some acid damage, it took me a few years to find the right bandpass filters for it ! I spent nearly 10 years in the Air force radio section and got a surplus Collins KWM2A before I left. So I feel right at home here!

what a lovely website from Southern Africa. Having lived and worked in Zimbabwe as an expatriate engineer during mid 80’s, I have a special interest in that part of the world. Back in those days, there were tons of SW transmissions that could be heard on my Sanyo analogue radio that I had bought from Gaborone, Botswana. Still have vivid memories of good old days of that era. Keep up the good work and greetings to all from New York.
Nisar Ahmad.

What a wonderfully uncomplicated organization you've put together for the preservation of antique wireless. I'm looking forward to reviewing your past newsletters as well as those to come in the future. Although it's a rare occasion for me to work ZS Land, I continue trying. Meanwhile, cheers to all of you from the hinterlands of western Pennsylvania in the U.S.A.
Brian K9VKY

Greetings to all the wonderful people associated with ZS0AWA
Newbie ham here, Brenda ZS6YLB very grateful for your website and net discussions. Fresh to the hobby and learning as I go along. Have not been active on HF much yet, still just listening in and enjoying the amazing world of radio's
From a boot sale last year, a stack of books were offered for free and I took the oldest copy of an issue - it was The radio amateurs handbook 40th edition 1963 (still with amateur equipment catalogue at the back) I enjoy (carefully) paging through it, reading topics I have forgotten since doing the RAE hihi. Apart from knowing that electric guitar valve amplifiers are the best (they don't make them like they used to, it's said) I understand that it is a mission it not impossible to repair. Not that I have such amplifiers and mostly play (guitar) unplugged for myself just for fun hihi. The hobby is so vast and it is awesome just listening to other enthusiasts and discovering new RF world's as I go along
Thank you for a brilliant website and preserving something so precious
From the words of ZS6ADY (Newsletter Sept 2021) "Long may the valves in your radio's glow brightly"
73 de ZS6YLB

I'm listening today on 2 metres, no any luck on 40m & up today.
I'm a listener only, but never miss the Saturday 06:30 net which is superb.
I'm 72, justretired and considering takking the ham exams and getting onthe air.
Thanks for the hard work and brilliant content!
Charles ZSL1006

I am a new S. Africa resident, but an ancient radio tech. I started as a teen age volunteer at the 1st USA community radio station, KPFA. I was thinking of starting a "free speech" high frequency (shortwave) broadcast station.
Most of the equipment is have owned in my life was antique. I couldn't afford new.

Greetings to you all from the UK,
As always, ZS amateurs keep the flag flying and it's great to see how active AWASA is. I've attached a link to an article written by Vincent ZS6BTY and myself a while back. It tells the story of some wartime skulduggery in South Africa but in amongst all of that is a remarkable piece of "homebrew" radio history. Though no radio amateurs were involved (as far as we know!), the development of a high-power CW transmitter with its PA valves from an unusual source illustrated some great ingenuity, at least. The TX is now at the Voortrekker Monument (Heritage Museum, I think it's now called) in Pretoria.
Here's the link's%20Transmitter.pdf
73 Brian G0GSF/ex ZS6BKW

To the RF inclined gentlemen and ladies of the AWASA,
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to you all this morning. Thank you also for all the wisdom and nuggets of information gleaned over years of study and experimentation that were so readily shared.
As ZS6REN mentioned, ShawnC and I are in the process of doing our prep for RAE-Class A and making the transition from listeners to Hams.
You can rely on me listening in again next week.

Hello and very nice to meet you all!
I stumbled across your terrific website while looking for TR9D info (which you had plenty!!!!) - many thanks!
I am a member of the AWA here in the USA
Pse let me know if anyone needs anything from this side of the pond...

Good morning and thanks for the brilliant website.
Im interested in the older radios of the border war, can anyone assist with some knowledge or advice.
With Thanks

Thanks for dropping by Nico,
I'm sure some of our members could assist. Please email our editor and public relations officer, Andy ZS6ADY, to place an advert in our next newsletter. Also, you're most welcome to join our Saturday net and ask.
Looking forward to having you on board.

Very interesting articles and nice pic's. I have some tube radios that require some work to operational again. Ie Heathkit SB 401 and Sb 301 matching pair, also a Yaesu ft dx 100 and heathkit sb 200. I have some knowledge for basic repair but this is slightly above my level. Is there any one out there that will be able to assist to see if we can get them operational again?as I know some parts are scarce and sometime's info to. Thanks E Grobler de ZS4EG

Good day Etienne,
Thank you for dropping by.
I'd suggest asking our PRO, Andy ZS6ADY, to place your request in the next newsletter. Alternatively, you'd be most welcome to ask on our Saturday net, I'm sure you'll be assisted. Please consider signing up to our newsletter, which also has tons of technical articles and info.

The AR-88 that I found some month ago is, in fact, a CR91A . Now it's operational. Almost tubes have been changed. SOme Capa too. Wiring of 5Y3GBn VR-15 and 6K6 have been changed by Georges F6CER. Music is now ON.. Fantastic 1942 receiver... First station playing Glen Miller serenade... Fantastic.

I've been researching Morse and Vail for some time now, and doing a presentation entitled "The CW Way of Life" at the SeaPAC Pacific Northwest Ham Convention Saturday, 1 June 2019.
Wanted to complement the author of the article about "who invented Morse Code." Having read many, many books and recountings of the story, I find his/her analysis among the best I've seen, and it's on the reference list at the end of my PowerPoint presentation. The PowerPoint will be downloadable from the SeaPac site after the event; the author might find it of interest because I found some items in the historical record others seem to have missed, or perhaps misunderstood; sheds a bit more light on what Vail invented, when, and why. There's a section on it in the PowerPoint.
Anyway, GREAT article, and great site. Congrats to all.
73 Chris NW6V

Good day Chris,
Thank you for your kind message. We greatly appreciate your words, as this is exactly what we aim for - to share knowledge and information about our wonderful passion, and create awareness of the history. Good luck with your presentation, and looking forward to having you back on our page in future!
73, ZS0AWA

I just acquired a Heathkit DX-100 that I plan on inspecting carefully before adding power slowly. Saw your site had some articles about this transmitter and am eager to read them for useful information. After browsing your site I may wish to establish an account. Live in the middle of Washington State in the USA and enjoy tube (valve) equipment.
Howard Barnes

Hi all, I have recently inherited a Barlow-Wadley XCR30 Mk II radio with FM. My FIL used it to listen to the SABC French service where he worked. The FM works very well but I cannot get any signal on HF AM. The aerial was broken off long ago but he used a piece of wire that I can remember.
I was trained as an RAF engine fitter (nothing to do with radio) but worked on a AW Argosy E1 which took me around the Far East, Singapore, HK etc. I remember it had a big RACAL RA17 radio downstairs and we used it to get time signals - Hawaii if I remember. The radio was used to check the frequencies used by ATC which were often slightly out. I read that this radio also used the Wadley circuit. This was in 1968/9.
Later here in SA I got a JRC 505 radio which was terrific when used with a home-made antenna tuner. Unfortunately it was stolen in a burglary many moons ago. For years the only SW radio I had was a little Sangean analog receiver used for the BBC news originally during the Falklands war as there was nothing on the SABC and no internet news then!

Hi, everybody I am
getting interested in 'old' radio
now that I am on retirement in Charente, next door
to Dordogne home of expert Richard F4WCD
73's Dick F6GUU/G3TMQ

Thank you for the message Dick. With Richard nearby, you'll be collecting old boatanchors and working the AM waves in no time! Please do convey our regards.
Looking forward to having you on board - please feel free to sign up for our monthly newsletter. 73

I found your website while looking for a copy of the Transistors-for-the-home-constructor book, which I owned as a kid in NZ c. 1961, and which got lost somewhere along the way. Only I think it was Volume 2. Perhaps you could help me clarify which? My copy included a project to build a Geiger Counter based on a one-transistor blocking-oscillator DC-DC converter (with home-wound Ferroxcube pot-core transformer) and Philips GM tube. It worked well for years until the GM tube quit. I am actually trying to find the schematic and other details of that article. I received help from G Zimmer on who, after a couple of false leads pointed me to your website. Thank you for the work you've put into your website. Very useful. I live a long way from NZ now, in the Pacific NW. I used to have a New Zealand ham call sign, but now have AJ4RF (which originated in Florida, hence the '4'). 73, Al Roxburgh, AJ4RF

Hello Alastair,
I noticed that no one had replied to your query yet so decided I should do the honours. You can find the book you are looking for at this link:
I hope you are able to download it and get the answers you are looking for.
Best 73

A yes. All I have ever had was antique gear, as the new stuff was too expensive. After a lifetime having little time for amateur radio. and always having more professional radio stuff to do than time would allow, I now find myself in South Africa doing almost nothing, and little radio gear nearby. Yes, I will have to light up that water tower. No, I have no web site, though my current licensed commercial broadcast station (leased to a friend) can be found by searching KNIK-FM. And I did piece KNIK together from equipment found here and there. I am suffering from RF withdrawal symptoms and hope to correct that situation soon. No tower should go to waste. Not even the water tower.
The Western Electric transmitter found on the above link is quite like one I used at the FM station in St. Louis Mo. Lots of tubes, both little and large.
I look forward to meeting some of you one day.

Great to read your message Mr Lansman!
Please do send me your contact details (my email can be found on both QRZ as well as the local SARL website). We will most definitely assist wherever possible to remedy your RF withdrawal symptoms!
Looking forward to having you on board.
Kind Regards, Jacques ZS6JPS

Very well done Jacques and all other contributors to AWA SA website.
It is great to belong to an active group of enthusiastic Amateurs who are still passionate about Wireless!..
The newsletter this month is also top notch!.. thanks to all.
Putting bits together for my Valve powered homebrew DX radio..
73 de William

HI. Happy new year to you all. I have been trying to contact Richard ZS6TF but his email is returned undelivered. I want to arrange with him to make contact with the Museum during this years Museums on the air. I am the station manager of GB2IWM and would love to contact your Museum if that's possible this year.
Best wishes Edwin G0LPO

Hello Edwin,
Richards email is here and I know it still works as we have regular contact with him. However, Richard is no longer living in South Africa and Jacques ZS6JPS, or Oliver ZS6OG will be your contacts now for the Museum station.
Best 73