AWA Valve QSO Party
The AWA Valve QSO party will be held on Saturday 13th May and Sunday 14th May 2017.
Saturday is the AM leg and Sunday the SSB Leg.
Time from 15:00 to 19:00 CAT
Frequencies: 40 Metres 7060-7100 and 80m 3600-3650
Exchange: Call sign; RS and consecutive numbers starting at 001; type of rig used.
All valve radio 3 points per contact
Hybrid radio 2 points per contact
Solid State Radio 1 point per contact
Multiplier, your radio:
All valve radio 3 points per contact
Hybrid radio 2 points per contact
Solid State Radio 1 point per contact
Certificates will be awarded to the 3 highest scores in each category.
Closing date for logs is 31st May 2017
Logs can be sent to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or mailed to AWA Of Southern Africa, P.O. Box 12320, Benoryn, 1504