Notice of the Antique Wireless Association of Southern Africa 2021 AGM
Notice is hereby given for the Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 13th November 2021.
The AGM will be held at the premises of the SAIEE in Observatory from 09h00.
The Museum will be opened for those wishing to browse and fleamarket tables will be available for those wishing
to bring any excess items to dispose of.
The Meeting will commence at 10h00 in the main auditorium of the SAIEE and all Covid protocols will be observed.
Items for discussion:
1. Presidents report.
2. Membership Figures
3. Financial Report
4. Donations
5. Feedback on QSO parties
6. Nets
7. Museum
8. Geoff Wright SK Floating Trophy
9. Election of President and Office bearers for the next two years
10. Open Discussion
A bring and braai will be held after the meeting for those wishing to stay and socialise for a while.
Braai packs and cold drinks will be available for those who wish @R70 per braai pack, or bring your own.
(Please confirm with Andy ZS6ADY should you want braai packs - 0824484368)
Directions to the SAIEE are available on the AWA website under “Museum”.