Notce is given for the 2018 AGM of the Antque Wireless Association of Southern Africa to be held on Saturday the 10th November 2018, at the premises of the SAIEE in Observatory Johannesburg.
There will be a fleamarket and open display as well as free access to the SAIEE museum. The SAIEE shack will be available for use.
Times will be from 09:00 until 15:00, with the AGM held at approximately 10:00, there are fleamarket and braai facilites and eyeball QSO. Bring along all your valuable junk that you wish to dispose of at the fleamarket. The Shack will be on air from 08:30 running the AWA SSB net. Should you wish to bring your own meat and refreshments, please feel free to do so, otherwise meat packs and cold drinkswill be on sale.
Please let Andy ZS6ADY know if you would be interested in a meat pack, for planning purposes. Tickets for the Valve Amplifier book will be available before the AGM, the draw will take place at the end of the AGM.
We look forward to seeing many of you there!