On the 22nd March 2015 the AWA will have been going for 12 years. These last 2 years have probably seen the biggest growth in membership as we now sit at a very healthy 230 members on record.

Of course you must remember that membership is by association, so all who have registered for our Newsletter or associate with us in any way on our nets etc are classed as members. In my limited understanding, this makes us the biggest club in South Africa as part and parcel of the Amateur Radio Fraternity.

The best thing of all is that Membership is FREE. Even with us not collecting any subscription fee, we still have a very healthy cash account in the black, which enables us to pay for our licence fee for the ZS0AWA call sign, our membership to the SARL and to send out hard copies of the monthly Newsletter to members without internet. Of course we have to thank people for the very generous donations of radio's and parts we receive which are recycled at flea markets etc to generate the funds we have. Nothing goes to the junk heap if we can help it.

Congratulations to all of you who have made this Association the success that it is, from day 1 right up to where we are now.

Best 73